Controlling and Key Figures in the Smart Information Life Cycle - Controlling - Processes - Overview - Performance specification - Overview

Our services - What we can do for you

Indicators create objectivity and make it possible to put the effort and the end result in relation to each other. In many areas of the economy, controlling is already part of everyday business life. However, in the area of information generation and information use, there are only a few established key figure systems.

In order to make all aspects of performance assessable here as well, we are intensively involved in controlling for all areas of the information lifecycle. In addition to the obvious items such as costs, this also includes the quantity, quality and adherence to schedules of the work results.

Controlling as a service

Together with our customers, we develop individual tools and methods for controlling, specifically tailored to the respective company. We strictly align ourselves with the goals of the respective organisation and thus design the appropriate measurement tools to make the degree of target achievement assessable.

Fig. 3: Clear presentation of key figures in a cockpit

Identify cost factors

The total costs in the information lifecycle are not always easy to collect. Because the department for this area is usually relatively small, as compared to the rest of the organisation, its effective effort is often underestimated. The individual production steps – research, creation, quality assurance, administration and translation – also cost working time on the part of Developers, Technicians or Marketing and Sales staff.

In controlling workshops, we work with you to determine which actual resources are involved in this complex process and how your company compares to others. Together with you, we develop resilient and easily understandable key figures on the subject of cost development.

Recognise benefits

The values and benefits created by good information are also diverse and sometimes substantial. You can increase satisfaction and quality perception, reduce support requests, increase product life and reduce downtime. In the event of liability, they can legally protect the manufacturer and significantly minimise its non-conformity costs.

Together with you, we determine which key figures you can use to determine your documentation quality and how this can be controlled.

Exploit optimisation potential

In many companies processes and information flows are not always optimal, so that change and correction phases create a lot of effort. Unclear terminologies, missing company standards, unclear responsibilities and inadequate coordination of the development and documentation process reduce technical editorial efficiency.

Together with you, we develop key productivity figures that help to make possible improvements transparent; also to tackle them. We will provide you with effective tools that will enhance the value of technical documentation in your company, so that the department is also part of your company's success from the point of view of controlling.