Electronic spare parts catalogues push the service business - Spare parts catalogues - Publication - Overview - Performance specification - Overview

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Lately, electronic spare parts catalogues have almost become standard for all producers of technical products. Catalogue systems enable customers and their own service organisation to find the required spare parts on the basis of serial numbers, parts lists and illustrations, and to order them via a shopping trolley function.

This makes it easy for users to find the parts they need. This usually leads to a higher proportion of parts being ordered from the original manufacturer and not from alternative suppliers. Electronic parts catalogues therefore have a direct positive effect on the manufacturer's service revenue.

Conception and integration into the corporate IT system

Spare parts catalogue systems collect the spare parts information in leading systems such as ERP, PLM or CAD and prepare them to meet the requirements of users. Access is then via a web portal or via an offline PC program or app.

Fig. 75: Functional principle of electronic parts catalogues

The process steps for the production of a spare parts catalogue can be largely automated. We support our customers in the introduction of such systems. We analyse the existing IT landscape and data structures and create concepts for the highly automated compilation of data for catalogue production. The implementation can then be carried out by our IT experts, who work closely with our customers' IT departments if required, in order to make the linking of systems as streamlined and stable as possible.

Catalogue production as a service

Even if the actual compilation of the data takes place automatically, it is possible that some activities remain in catalogue production that only one person can perform. This essentially concerns organisation, control and error management. For example, the quality of the catalogue contents depends on the fact that certain specifications have been adhered to in the design process. Compliance must be monitored and, if necessary, corrections must be made to ensure that the data in the catalogue is correct at the end.

Linking of catalogue data

Ideally, the user cannot only view and order spare parts data, but also be able to jump directly to additional information. For example, a Service Technician can call up the repair instructions immediately after ordering a spare part to prepare for the repair. A link in another direction also makes sense. For example, an employee who installs a wear part could order the wear part again from the maintenance procedure so that he or she has it back in stock.

We have the concepts and solutions to create such a link at a reasonable effort and thus, we create significant added value.

Different forms of illustration

Depending on the target audience and budget, different forms of illustration are possible in the spare parts catalogue. The simplest form is the 2D design drawing, which is already available in the ERP system. Alternatively, 3D data can also be used to display assemblies and components. These are specially prepared so that file size and detail depth are reduced.

Explosion drawings, which are created especially for the spare parts catalogue, make a particularly high-quality impression. Here, we have the ability to present assemblies, parts and spare part kits in a didactic and appealing way. This improves the visibility of the affected parts. It is also possible to display parts that are not present in the CAD systems (e.g. supplied parts, cables, pipelines, packaging materials, etc.).

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