Each terminology list only demonstrates its actual benefit when it is used, namely when various communication channels are populated with linguistically-consistent content. Professional tools are a prerequisite for the creation of this content.
The simplest tools here are the common Office tools (e.g. Excel lists). When it comes to text creation, however, such lists offer little added value because they require the active, time-consuming search for specific terms by the employee. Time, which is often missing in a hectic working day.
This is why we rely on tool-supported processes when applying a defined terminology. Ideally, terminology support and terminology checking are seamlessly integrated into the respective creation software. The way in which terminology is supported varies greatly, depending on whether a text is initially created or translated.
Terminology in the source language
In the source language, it is particularly important to include as many forbidden terms as possible, in addition to the preferred terms. Terminology breaks are thus automatically detected during the writing process (or during a subsequent check) and the correct terms are offered directly to the creator of the text.
Another positive side effect is that the prohibited terms can also form the basis for modern search queries (e.g. in mobile documentation – keyword "search engine optimisation”). Thus, searches for terminologically "unwanted" terms also lead to the desired results.
Terminology in translation
In the translation process, terminology support has the advantage that the source text – including defined terminology – already exists. Thus, the translation tool can offer the Translator the foreign-language equivalent directly. Prohibited terms do not have to be recorded separately, which significantly reduces the effort required to record and maintain foreign-language terminology.
During the final quality control, tool-supported comparisons can be made very easily as to whether the corresponding foreign-language designations were used for the source-language designations.
Our service
To ensure maximum consistency in the use of specialist terminology, we use the above terminology tools in both technical editorial and translation work.
In addition, we develop terminology workflows for our customers and/or optimise existing structures within the scope of consulting projects.