CE conformity for your products – Safety advice during design and development - Product Safety - CE conformity - Overview - Performance specification - Overview

Our services - What we can do for you

Good ideas and practical implementation proposals on-call

We support your Engineers during the design and construction process and provide help at any time, whether by word or deed. Your project is examined by our specialists, all of whom are seasoned experts in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and automation, and some of whom are certified functional Safety Engineers. In collaboration with your Design and Construction Engineers, they use clearly-defined milestones to ensure all safety regulations are observed.

Fig. 27: Cost development during the design process

Tailored, on-time, and safe

If you consider the aspects of safety at an early stage, your Design and Construction Engineers can plan for safety while still at the drawing board. This gives you a leaner design and construction process. Considerable savings are possible through our bespoke security consulting. Your machine or plant will benefit from lower design costs and better safety features.

Inspection of supplier documentation

We support you in checking the CE requirements and technical documents of the suppliers with regard to safety, completeness and comprehensibility. Our recommendation: Contractually agree upon the delivery of the associated risk assessment.